It's about doing meaningful work that is true to your values

Archive for December, 2015

Biz Lessons from the Diner, Zola Twitter Style

By on December 31, 2015 in Living Your Values, Writing with 0 Comments
Give me my pork and pineapple before this gets ugly

Give me my pork and pineapple before this gets ugly

OK listen up. Long story.

So I’ve been having these cravings for pork & pineapple. No idea. So today I walk by the local diner & see an ad for BBQ pork + pineapple omelets.

So I’m like damn, my craving! I lowkey sit at the counter cuz it’s busy. Coat’s not off & the busser puts coffee down–nice!

I ask, can I order and he’s like no the waiter has to do it and he points to a server who looks about 17 waiting on a booth behind me.

So I’m like ok, drink coffee a while & the server never comes! He’s walking between the counter & booths, doesn’t even look at me!

I think maybe he thinks I’m just drinking coffee so I lay the menu closed flat away from me. Cuz that’s the signal to order food now!

Nope. Then this baby server (NOT the same one) asks a guy a few seats on my left if he’s ready to order. I say to the couple on my right:

“AM I IN THEIR BLIND SPOT or what” & we’re laughing but I’m annoyed. The couple’s all casual, talking to me.

Now the busser refills my coffee and I ask can he get a waiter. He goes straight away & talks to them. So I’m like ok, they’re ready.

Nope. 17 goes past, no eye contact, asks people who sat after me for their order. I WAS DONE. I WAS HANGRY.

I get my things & say to the couple I can’t deal w/this today. Real quick the woman jumps up, says “No I’ll find someone, I know the owner.”

I just want to go but I was like yea ok & this normal age guy comes over all “I’m in another section but I can take your order.”

I’m like I just want the omelet special but nobody is looking at me except the busser. He goes I’m real sorry, you want hashbrowns.

Then the woman goes “Put it on my tab” and I say OMG you’re so nice thank you but I’m thinking damn my stupid craving.

Then the normal age waiter goes “No, it’s on the house I’m sorry you had to wait.” I was like OHHH, well thank you.” Awkward silence.

I get my food & 17 is by every 10 min, how is it, coffee? The couple’s talking w/me, glad you stayed & all. We’re saying he’s young, he…

Doesn’t know to watch the room. I feel stupid but the omelet is good, the pineapple’s on the top not inside, but it’s good.

The couple’s my new BFFs, we exchange #’s & they tell 17 they tipped him & the normal age waiter in their bill & say bye and leave.

I ask 17 “did you just not see me?” Cuz he didn’t apologize & for real I wanted to know what was what. He just says “I got double-seated.”

Then I’m done eating & he goes “my manager said it’s free.” SO I tip $10 & say thanks, know you’re busy. But I’m thinking you saw me…

But didn’t make eye contact & say “be right w/you” & why did he serve later people BEFORE me, TF?

I don’t care about getting comped or waiting, it was being flat out ignored like nobody was going to serve me ever. Awkward as hell.

I don’t want to go back there cuz I’m embarrassed. But there’s one good thing: made me think how to do better in any kind of biz.

Acknowledge customers because NOBODY LIKES TO BE IGNORED. Apologize for screw ups. Serious, don’t pretend you didn’t screw up.

And if you read this whole thing to get to the biz part at the end you’re hilarious!


This Twitter-style post was inspired by Zola’s brilliant Twitter storytelling, which was repackaged into Storify by Mike.
