It's about doing meaningful work that is true to your values

Archive for March, 2022

Pace yourself

By on March 31, 2022 in Living Your Values, Productivity with 0 Comments

I heard someone say that they only gave 40% of what they’re capable of to their company job. They save the rest of their time and energy for themselves.

When I told a coworker about it later, I said that I’d feel too guilty to do that. But then we talked about how we burned out earlier in our careers because we pushed to the limit for years. And how it wasn’t worth the exhaustion and sacrifices to our personal lives.

If I could go back in time, I would do it differently. I’d stick more closely to a 40-hour work week and make more time for friends, hobbies, and relaxing. I probably would have had the same level of job success without the burnout.
