Sometimes life sucks and then it gets better, Part 2
Last week I wrote about how sometimes life sucks and then it gets better. I think I oversimplified it. Because sometimes life sucks and then it gets better and then it gets even worse before it gets better again. Or life sucks and keeps getting worse and you have no idea when it is going to get better and then finally it does.
Lately I’ve been praying for the highest good in my life because I don’t know exactly what that will turn out to be. Since I don’t know for sure if the things that seem like the best things for me truly are, it seems best to just pray for the best outcome.
Yesterday I prayed like mad. Like full on, praying to God, the Universe, my angels, my guides and even my deceased relatives to give me something I thought I needed. Not needed like, “I’m so tired, I need a cup of coffee.” Something I thought I needed to get through a rough time (which I still want to keep private, so thanks again for not asking about it!). I was even throwing out the caveat, just in case, “everything else for the highest good, but please give me this one.”
I didn’t get it.
That hurts.
It feels like a 100 pound weight on my chest, I’m sick to my stomach, I have thoughts in my head that I don’t want to be thinking and memories of similar times that I don’t want to remember. Yet there is still work to do, taxes to file, and plants to water so they don’t burn up in this boiling heat wave we’re having.
I watered the plants, got the work done that most needed to be taken care of, and will file my taxes before I get off the computer. Everything else can wait.
I called a friend who is a good listener and gets this kind of thing. I still recognize and appreciate the things that are going well in my life. I scraped together a plan for the weekend. I made myself drink a green protein smoothie because I need the energy to keep going until it finally gets better.
And it will. I know it will.
This. Right now. Me too.
Sending you a big hug, Linda!