It's about doing meaningful work that is true to your values

Tag: getting what you want

You really can go after what you want in life and get it

get want you wantThis evening as I was leaving my client’s office, I ran into a friend that I hadn’t seen for a few years. She asked how my life has been since I quit my job in the summer of 2013. I gave her the highlights of going to the Jack Kerouac School for a month of writing classes, starting a business that didn’t work out and then doing consulting work and realizing I love it.

She expressed how glad she was that my career has gone well for me in the last year and a half and I was touched that she was happy for me. She said something else, though, that made a big impression. She said, “You are proof that people really can go after what they want in life and get it.”

My career isn’t perfect. Finding great clients can take time and be nerve wracking. Running my own business comes with a whole set of accounting tasks, licensing and taxes that I didn’t have to deal with when I was a full time employee.

And yet.

I went after what I wanted in my work life and got it. More flexibility and autonomy. Less bureaucracy. More enjoyment of my day-to-day work life. Less stress. More opportunities to use my skills set and keep learning.

You really can go after what you want in life and get it.
